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by Thomas M. Sipos, managing editor  [July 5, 2023]




[]  Director Kyle J. Macias is a man obsessed. He's completed several short films about sleep paralysis and/or the Hat Man. Those are his recurring topics. (Similar to Erich von Daniken and his focus on ancient astronauts.) And so, with all that research under his belt, Macias has been building up to this: a feature length documentary on the subject.

The Hat Man is a dark figure who appears at night. He's part of that modern pantheon of strange creatures popularized by AM radio's George Noory and the late Art Bell. Although Hat Men most closely resemble Shadow People, they also overlap with ghosts, aliens, inter-dimentional beings, Slender Man, Men in Black, the Green Man, et al. Macias's documentary covers some of these related creatures, including Shadow Men, UFO Abductees, and Djinn (i.e., genies).





The Hat Man: Documented Cases of Pure Evil (the film's full title) follows a traditional documentary format. Interviews with paranormal experts and people who've seen the Hat Man. Artists sketches from those eyewitness encounters. Reenactments of Hat Man sightings. All of it set to appropriately ominous music.

It's a slick, infomative, and entertaining documentary. You don't have to believe to enjoy. You can study the Hat Man as an acutal supernatural creature, or you can turn off the lights on Halloween night and watch The Hat Man for goosebumps.

The Hat Man is currently available on Amazon Prime.


Read more about the Weekly Universe editorial team's shocking paranormal investigations in Hollywood Witches!




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