by Marcus Rubyman, staff writer [December 8, 2016]
[WeeklyUniverse.com] America's military is full of crybaby women "solders" -- and those are the officers!
Those are the shocking facts, as revealed by a former U.S. military man.
Posting anonymously as Lyn87 at Dalrock website, this retired male officer provides three shocking examples:
* The Former Cop
One fine day at Fort Benning, Georgia, I was was running lanes training for officer candidates (OC) about to graduate and become Second Lieutenants. The OC whose turn it was to be the squad leader was a female -- a college educated woman with a background in civilian law enforcement. The state of New York had allowed this woman to carry a badge and a loaded gun on the street. Keep that in mind as the story unfolds.
This was the final event in OCS that she had to pass to get her commission, and I was evaluating her. She turned what should have been a two hour event into an 11 hour ordeal. The scenario was an easy one, but she was constitutionally incapable of making decisions. It was a disaster!
The evaluation form allowed me to give her a score from 1 to 5, with 1 being the very best, 3 being a passing score, and 5 being an epic failure. I think the verbiage reads, "Well below standard."
At the end of her patrol we sat down on a couple of logs out in the bivouac area and I asked her how she thought she did.
She thought she did pretty well. (sigh)
I said something like, "Smith, I'm giving you a five. And the reason I'm giving you a five is because the form doesn't allow me to give you a six."
She started crying!
No, really. She started crying.
They gave her a different evaluator the next day and she passed -- or perhaps I should say, "She was given a passing score."
* The Former Stripper
I had to evaluate a different female cadet on a different event, and she, too, dropped the ball pretty badly. I think I gave her a 4, and she, too, started tearing up!
She had been a stripper before she joined the military. Go figure. Not the kind of gal you would think would wilt under a little constructive criticism. I never yelled at my subordinates, even during my time as an OCS TAC officer.
She at least had the sense to be embarrassed.
* Crying Under Her Desk
At a different time I was a staff officer (for Personnel) for a brigade-sized unit, and inherited the female section NCOIC from my female predecessor in that position. Apparently they had a grand old time there. Their Family Readiness Group was running like a Swiss Watch with teas, and cake sales, and a newsletter that nobody read. (Oh yippee! We weren't even at war yet.)
On the other hand, the pay was a mess and the awards were worse (you know, only the primary functions of a Personnel section during peace-time). There was an eight month backlog for processing awards.
Eight. Freaking. Months.
To process award recommendations through the section. There was guy who had long-since retired with award paperwork gathering dust in that office the day I took over.
Not on my watch, baby. Within two days of my arrival we eliminated the backlog and I made it clear that I had different priorities than my predecessor. Issues that directly impacted the soldiers were to come first, and the hearts-and-minds extra duties stuff could happen when we had the time. Under no circumstances was any award recommendation to await action in our section longer than two duty days.
I never busted her chops, but I made it stick. I have a light touch as a leader: I would tell my troops what my desired end-state was and let them do it in whatever manner made the most sense to them unless I had some specific reason why it needed to be done a certain way, in which case I also told them why the constraints were there.
In any case, the Personnel section was no longer going to be a girl's club / extended baby shower. (My predecessor had left the military to have a baby and be a SAHM -- Stay at Home Mom).
One day I went to visit the subordinate battalions and was gone most of the day. When I got back to HQ the CSM (big, burly, gruff dude) snagged me in the hallway just as I came in. I think he was waiting for me. He said that he had sent my NCOIC home while I was gone.
No problem. He’s a professional and I'm not going to question his judgment, but it was the reason he sent her home that's pertinent. He sent her home because she had had a breakdown and was under her desk bawling like a baby about all the stress she was under!
Mind you, this woman was an E-7 working with minimal supervision in an air-conditioned office -- the senior non-commissioned officer running my section in my absence.
I gotta say, I've occasionally had to issue corrections and some pretty tough feedback to soldiers under my authority, but those are the only three occasions when anyone broke down in tears -- and all three of those subordinates were women!
Crying woman image by Mimooh.